To the 2020 Grads & Seniors...Take Heart!

Human connection & interaction are very essential to our happiness and well being. It’s pretty crazy how connected we are as human beings. We need human interaction and emotional connection face to face.
We may have a surplus of technology during today’s times but there is only so much it can do. I think this pandemic has made us appreciate and realize this now more than ever before. The need and desire for real human connection is so great during this time. I know it is so disappointing that we can not celebrate with the masses at graduations, weddings, concerts, school, corporate offices, visit National parks and explore the great outdoors, birthday parties, church, or even grieve and honor the loss of loved ones at funerals.
While we may all be trying to participate and follow social distancing rules and #stayathome, we are all still connected and affected by this as the human race. We are all hurting and experiencing difficulties during this time of uncertainty and event cancellations.
Grads you can take a moment to grieve the loss of a celebratory moment, because your graduation celebration does matter and you should be able to rejoice and commemorate this moment and this season in your life. We can have hope amidst the situation and we can be thankful for what we do still have.
To all the 2020 grads, who were looking forward to experiencing their high school or college graduation, I am thinking of you. I know it is a disappointing time, but all your hard work is not lost. This ending is just the beginning of a new season in your life. You deserve to be honored and you deserve to be celebrated. During this time, it may not look like the typical graduation celebration and ceremony, but never the less grads be proud of how far you have come, be proud of where you are heading, and still take the opportunity to celebrate and recognize your accomplishments.
I will leave you with a Bible verse that keeps playing over in my mind as I write this.
John 16:33
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
We are not promised an easy life in this world, yet in Jesus we find hope and peace. So take heart my grads, He has overcome the world. He has gone before you and is with you in this time and in Him we have all we need.