Ashley // Class of 2020

Senior sessions are seriously so much fun! I mean you are celebrating one of the most exciting times of your life- the end of your high school career and the start of either a new season in college or the start of a career right out of high school. Either way there are many unknowns and that is exciting and nerve-wracking all in the same!
But alas you get to celebrate being a senior the whole year and that calls for your senior portraits. And let me tell you it is way more fun to do these with someone who makes you feel comfortable and beautiful and wants to capture the true YOU! The giggles, the serious faces, and everything in between like the poses you know your mama will want to blow up and fame to show all your family and friends.
Ashely totally rocked her session that started at our local library and we finished at the park down by the river. I only had one slight mishap as I stumbled in the ditch I was shooting in (side note: this is a normal occurence), but it only helped create more natural laughs!

Ashley is also the amazing client who was totally down with doing her prom pictures at Lowe's! #cool
You can view more from that session's blog here.